Dr. Reverend Andrea Zaki meets with the Swedish Ambassador to strengthen Arab-European dialogue as part of the activities of the Forum for Intercultural Dialogue at the Coptic Evangelical Organization.

Dr. Reverend Andrea Zaki meets with the Swedish Ambassador to strengthen Arab-European dialogue under the auspices of the Forum for Intercultural Dialogue at the Evangelical Organization.

In an important step to enhance the Arab-European dialogue organized by the Evangelical Organization, the Swedish Ambassador to Cairo, Håkan Emsgård, received Dr. Reverend Andrea Zaki, President of the Evangelical Community in Egypt and President of the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services, at the embassy in Cairo. Mrs. Samira Luka, Head of the First Sector for Dialogue at the Coptic Evangelical Organization, also attended the meeting.

The discussions during the meeting focused on the future of Arab-European dialogue, with an emphasis on issues related to the challenges of coexistence, freedom of expression, and respect for the sanctities of others. The importance of dialogue was highlighted as an effective means of promoting pluralism and acceptance of others, along with the relationship between freedom of expression and respect for values and sanctities in building peace among people.

The Forum for Intercultural Dialogue at the Coptic Evangelical Organization is scheduled to organize a panel discussion in cooperation with the Swedish Embassy next November, where several issues will be discussed under the theme: “The Future of Arab-European Dialogue in Light of Current Crises.”
