Reverend Dr. Andrea Zaki
CEOSS President

Message of CEOSS Director

Since the fifties of the last century, the Coptic

Evangelical Organization for Social Services

has been seeking to improve the quality of life

for the poor and marginalized citizen, whoever

he is and wherever he is, while working to

provide decent and sustainable living

opportunities for the people of the country

 within the poorest villages and slums, with a

 focus on the most needy groups such as

 women, youth, people with disabilities and

Our Vision

emphasize the value of human life

 and elevating its quality as well as

achieving justice and equity and

spreading enlightened thought

besides emphasizing common ethics

Our Main Values

committed to religious and human

values  that  enhance  justice  and

peace,  respect  pluralism  and

diversity,   and  encourage  the

preservation of  the  environment

Our Mission

enhance decent life, justice,

and co-existence, instill moral

and  spiritual  awareness  in

society,  boost  the  feelings  of

belonging and respect diversity

Block 1331 Dr. Ahmed Zaki Nozha Gedida, Cairo
P.O. Box 11811-162 Panorama, Cairo
fax: 002.02.2622.1434