Sohag Youth Take on Challenges in ‘Change Champions’ on the Occasion of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2023

On the occasion of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2023, youth in Sohag, aged 15 to 29, participate in the ‘Change Champions’ events with the aim of enhancing positive community engagement and effective leadership among young people, enabling them to become leaders of change in their communities. The events are attended and supported by members of the House of Representatives, the Shura Council, the National Council for Human Rights, the Rotary Sports Team, and representatives of civil society organizations such as the ‘Development of Upper Egypt Foundation’ and the ‘Local Community Development Association in Girga

The activities continue until November 18 through the youth Change Champions, where community initiatives are implemented in the villages of Adfo and Alawamir under the title ‘Building with Youth – My Environment, My Responsibility.’

This event is part of the implementation of the project ‘Towards Inclusive Societies and Institutions for Youth and Women,’ in collaboration with the Technical Support Agency funded by GIZ, covering 5 governorates and involving 6 grassroots associations in the governorates of Port Said, Dakahlia, Cairo, Fayoum, and Sohag. The project focuses on components of community participation and gender equality to ensure fair and effective representation of persons with disabilities and women. These initiatives aim to reach 6,285 beneficiaries.

The Local Development Unit also organized an entrepreneurship camp. This camp is part of the economic and social empowerment program for girls in Upper Egypt, implemented in collaboration with the Egyptian Foundation for Integrated Development (Al-Nada) and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The camp included the participation of 145 young people of both genders, representing communities in Nawai, Abyo, Bani Ahmed, and Al-Omoudin in the Minya Governorate. The camp activities included various sports and games with the aim of providing youth with knowledge and concepts related to entrepreneurship, promoting a culture of self-employment, and enhancing small and micro-enterprises
