Implementation of 43 projects for small women farmers in Fayoum to empower them economically.

I raised 30 Muscovy ducks, and their weight ranged from 4-7 kilograms, which increased my income. I gained another 30 ducks,” said Ms. Marfat Munir. “I wasn’t working, and I didn’t have any income until I attended a seminar organized by the Evangelical Authority on how to manage my own project. I received 30 Muscovy ducks and a 25-kilogram feed sack, which finally provided me with a source of income,” added Ms. Huda Mohamed.

Both Ms. Marfat Munir and Ms. Huda Mohamed are beneficiaries of the “Towards Flexible Egyptian Rural Communities” project, which aims to empower small farmers, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Local Development Unit of the Evangelical Authority in collaboration with local partners from civil associations in Fayoum Governorate. The project included the implementation of 43 small projects distributed to small women farmers, delivering 4 poultry projects and 39 duck projects in villages and communities, with the goal of empowering poor and marginalized women who do not have an active role in economic activities but have the capacity to manage small-scale activities like poultry farming, which increases family income and contributes to achieving food security
