Interactive Training Workshop as part of the activities of the 16 Days Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence.

On the sidelines of the 16 Days Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence, the Local Development Unit of the Evangelical Authority conducted an interactive training workshop for the governorates of Port Said, Dakahlia, Cairo, and Fayoum, with the participation of 40 individuals. Participants included representatives from civil society, directorates of religious endowments, youth and sports, social solidarity, the National Women’s Council, project development agencies, university professors, local units, women’s groups, and natural leaders.

The workshop highlighted the methodology of social resilience and flexibility in addressing issues of violence against girls, women, and persons with disabilities. Additionally, it emphasized the positive involvement of youth of both genders. The workshop aimed to identify current and anticipated risks and to develop mechanisms supporting equality, fostering a culture of social gender integration.

Participants actively engaged in their respective fields, whether within partnering civil society organizations, religious institutions, or governmental bodies.

This event is part of the collaborative efforts between the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), acting on behalf of the German government. It is funded jointly by the European Union through the Equality of Opportunities and Social Development project.
