Enhancing the Environment of Zagazig University for Visually Impaired Students: Installation of Guidance Signs Under the Supervision of International Expert Elizabeth Theodora

Continuing the Implementation of Environmental Accessibility for Zagazig University Students with Visual Impairments: Installing Guidance Signs to Facilitate the Movement of Individuals with Visual Disabilities, under the supervision of international expert in the field of visual impairment, Elizabeth Theodora. This comes as part of the first phase of the project ‘Towards Inclusive Egyptian Universities’ for people with disabilities, executed by the Local Development Unit of the Coptic Evangelical Organization in collaboration with the charitable investment fund ‘Ataa’ to support people with disabilities. The project is being implemented in the universities of Menoufia and Zagazig, involving 17 faculties. Its aim is to prepare the university environment and infrastructure to enhance the integration of individuals with disabilities by implementing engineering preparations and removing environmental obstacles hindering their independence.
