Erada Program
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The program aims at making both the internal and external environment accessible in order to include and integrate persons with disabilities in public life.
Major Quantitative Achievements
179 equipment and mobility aids have been produced and distributed
371 persons with disabilities have benefitted from campaigns for maintenance of prosthetic devices
Major Qualitative Achievements
- Developing the mobility aid models (wheelchairs) according to quality standards in accordance with the needs of persons with disabilities
- Geographical expansion of the program in the work communities in Beheira and Giza Governorates and making the mobility aids and the prosthetics accessible to persons with disabilities targeted by the “Decent Life” initiative that is being implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity
- Conducting a study on the local market of mobility aids for the sake of developing a production and marketing plan to ensure that aids produced by Erada Factory are of high quality and efficiency and are suited to the Egyptian market