“Here We Live Together, Now We Dialogue for Peace: A Cultural Art Camp Enhancing Citizenship Values and Dialogue in Upper Egypt.”

“Here We Live Together, Now We Dialogue for Peace: A cultural art camp organized by the Cultural Dialogue Forum sheds light on citizenship values, dialogue, acceptance of others, and positive participation in countering discrimination. This camp is part of the economic and social empowerment program for girls in Upper Egypt, in collaboration with the Egyptian Integrated Development Foundation (Nada), and funded by the United States Agency for International Development.

The camp brought together 110 young women and men from the village of Nawai in Minya. It featured various artistic activities and mural paintings designed and executed to enhance the values of the initiative. An interactive theater performance titled “East and West” was staged, focusing on the importance of raising awareness, participation, and positive dialogue.

The camp also included workshops on teaching handicrafts, accessory manufacturing, leather crafting, storytelling, singing, and acting preparation. During these sessions, the youth shared innovative ideas about their role as leaders in promoting awareness of citizenship, the importance of participation, and respecting diversity in their community.”

