CEOSS works to improve and increase Poor citizen’s income leve
Unemployment rates have risen to 12.6 percent, or 3.3 million people, during the second quarter of 2012, Unemployment was 11.8 percent during the same period last
Unemployment rates have risen to 12.6 percent, or 3.3 million people, during the second quarter of 2012, Unemployment was 11.8 percent during the same period last
Agriculture provides livelihood for 55% of population, employes 30% of labor force. Small Size of Most Farmers with 72% owning less than 1 Feddan. CEOSS works
16% of male and 13% of female never attended school or less than 3 school years CEOSS works to improve the quality of education and
About 6.4mln Egyptians live without household water connections and 6.4mln without basic sanitation services. CEOSS works to empower the poor and low-income citizens to improve their
29% of children under the age of five are stunted, 6% are underweight, and 7% are wasted. CEOSS works to improve the health conditions for
Around 373, 000 blind Egyptians with more than 30% of blindness cases that can be cured or prevented CEOSS works to empower the poor and marginalized
An estimated 10% (8.5-10mln) of the Egyptian population are disabled and only 10% are covered by government services. CEOSS works to empower people with disabilities to
25% of the Egyptian population live in poverty, 4.8% in extreme poverty. More than 66% of the poverty is noticed in upper Egypt. CEOSS reaches out
تساهم وحدة التنمية المحلية في الارتقاء بنوعية الحياة للمواطنين من الشرائح الفقيرة والمهمشة في مجتمعات العمل بمحافظات القاهرة والجيزة والقليوبية وبنى سويف والمنيا، خاصة في ظل
يقدم المشروع مفهوما متكاملا لإدارة المخلفات الصلبة من خلال تقديم عدة تدخلات تنموية ( بيئية – صحية – تعليمية ………) مع تفعيل دور المواطنين للمشاركة
مستشفي حورس تأكيدا على الدور الذى تقوم به الهيئة فى تحسين نوعيه الحياه للفئات الفقيرة والمهمشة وانطلاقا من تنفيذ برنامج حق الابصار للجميع تم افتتاح مستشفى
ويعمل المنتدى لتحقيق هذا الهدف علي مستويين أفقي ورأسي: المستوي الأفقي من خلال التوسع والانتشار وتبادل الخبرات في نشر ثقافة الحوار محليا، وإقليميا، وعالميا. المستوي الرأسي