Itsa Wood

We have a quality wood dryer where the computer fully controls the stages of drying . So there is no worry about spending extra time and energy in order to improve the properties of wood.

Our products are made of carefully selected wood as it is purchased from reliable sources after conducting quality tests. We have some of the most modern production equipment that help us in furniture production.

Your piece is original; it is hand made from A to Z. There will never be a piece that looks exactly the same as the other.

While pigments add multiple colors to show the beauty of wood, the use of high-quality raw materials such as polyurethane also protects wood and enhances its beauty.

Add the final touch to any room with elegant furniture and ideal additions with the help of a professional team





Factory: 01211191638  –  01221024150

Cairo Showroom:  01211192707  –   01221039392

Alexandria Showroom: 01224681542

Minia Showroom: 01211191642

Sohag Showroom: 01211191643


فعاليات منتدى حوار الثقافات

منتدى حوار الهيئة الإنجيلية يعقد جلسة تشاورية لتعزيز رؤية ثقافية لبناء الإنسان في المجتمع المصري

منتدى حوار الهيئة الإنجيلية يعقد جلسة تشاورية بعنوان “رؤية ثقافية لبناء الإنسان” بحضور رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية ومشاركة قادة فكر المجتمع المصري عقد منتدى حوار الثقافات التابع