“كفن ديكولتيه” فيلم عن الزواج المبكر

فيلم كفن ديكوليته فيلم درامي يهدف الى رفع وعي المجتمع بأضرار الزواج المبكر من انتاج وحدة الاعلام والإنتاج الفني / المناهج حصل الفيلم على العديد من الجوائز الدولية بالإضافة الى عروض عديدة في مهرجانات خارج وداخل مصر

جوائز وترشيحات الفيلم

Official Selection:

  1. Phábrika – Rio de janiro – Brazil / 7-8 June,2019
  2. Goya Rural – Spain /19-20July,2019
  3. 41st UNCIPAR, INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL / Argentina / 41 editions / 17-19 August-,2019
  4. The Tylerman Film Festival / Illinois / United States / August 25,2019
  5. 9th FENACIES / Uruguay /2-8 September,2019
  6. 6th Short Cup Film Festival 3- 7 September/ /São Paulo, Brazil,2019
  7. the Corporation Festival de Cine e Infancia y Adolescencia/Bogotá – Colombia / 7-14 September,2019
  8. 6th Mafici Festival / Patagonia – Argentina / 6-12 September ,2019
  9. 5th FAN Chile / Santiago, Chile / 9-14 September,2019
  10. 5th Atlantic International Film Festival – Colombia – 11 September,2019
  11. Short Sweet Illawarra / Gala Cinema / Australia 13 – 14 September,2019
  12. Quibdo Africa Film Festival / Colombia / 18 September,2019
  13. 10th Silicon Valley African Film / California – United States / 4 to 6 October,2019
  14. Festival du Film Arabe de Fameck / France مهرجان الفيلم العربى بفاميك / / 2 to 13 October,2019
  15. 8th Resistencia Film Fest / Chile / 3 to 6 October,2019
  16. 35th Alexandria Mediterranean Film Festival / 35 edition / 8 to 13 October,2019
  17. المهرجان الدولى لفيلم المرأة بعيونهن Regards De Femmes 11 to 15 October / Tunisia,2019
  18. 2nd Prospettive- Film che raccontano le culture/ Catania – Italy / 11 October,2019
  19. The Short Film Festival at Kef/ 12 to 19 October / Kef Tunisia,2019
  20. 6th Festival Gollut / Spain / 12 October to 3 November,2019
  21. 13th Festival International de Cine de Pasto/ Colombia / 15 to 19 October,2019
  22. 5th Goree Cinema Festival / 18 October / Senegal,2019
  23. The Cutting Room International Short Film Festival NYC/New York / United States / 19 October,2019/2 awards
  24. 8th Little México Film Festival (LiMe Film Fest) / 8th edition / 19 October,2019/ Chicago / United States
  25. FESTIVAL CALIBÉLULA – shorts / Colombia / 22 to 26 October,2019
  26. 6th Cine Tornado Festival / 22 to 27 October,2019 / Brazil / / 1st grade awarded experimental film
  27. 3rd Directors Cut Int’l Film Festival / 27-28 October,2019 / Canada / Best short international film
  28. 3rd WANDA / feminist and moving images / 31 October to 3 Nov. ,2019 / United Kingdom
  29. 18th Muestra Internacional De Cortometrajes Jujuy/cortos / Argentina / 20 -31 October,2019
  30. Pembroke Taparelli Arts and Film Festival / 7 November,2019 / Beverly Hills / United States
  31. 6th MINIDOC VI / November 8,2019 / Spain / 6th edition / BEST DOCUMENTARY “AGAINST GENDER VIOLENCE
  32. 8th FRICINE / 8th edition / Rio de janiro / Brazil / 13 to 17 November,2019
  33. 4th West Texas Film Festival / 4 years / 21 to 23 November,2019 / USA
  34. 11th Festival del Cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli / Italy / 20 to 30 November,2019
  35. 5th Out of Africa International Film Festival / November 20 – 22,2019 / Nairobi – Kenya
  36. Reels of the Dead / 22-24 November,2019 / Illinois – United States
  37. Children’s Rights Festival /Beirut – Lebanon / 27 November ,2019
  38. Vierte Welle Festival / 1 December ,2019/ Berlin- Germany
  39. 2nd Diorama International Film Festival / 11-15 December,2019 / New Delhi – India- Award Winner
  40. Elkods Film Festival / Philistine,2019
  41. Malabo International Music and Film festival / Equatorial Guinea / December 14 – 15, 2019
  42. 8th Hak Short Film Fest / 8, 2019 December / Turkey / 8 years
  43. 4th Solidandoilm Festival /  December 20 – 22, 2019 / Italy
  44. John Abraham International Short Film Festival (JAISFF) / December 13 – 15, 2019 / India
  45. Indogma Film Festival / December 5 – 7, 2019 / India
  46. 9th IntimaLente Festival / December 20, 2019 / Italy
  47. 4th Solidando Film Festival – Italy – December 20 – 22, 2019
  48. The Midnight Film Festival / New York-United States / January 12 – 19, 2020
  49. Under The Stars International Film Festival / Italy / January 22 – 24, 2020
  50. 8th La Mida no Importa / Size Doesn´t Matter / 23-25 January / Barcelona, Spain
  51. Les journées cinématographiques Elhamma Tunisia/ مهرجان الحامة الدولى – تونس February 2 – 5, 2020 /
  52. 19th International Amateur Film Festival – Poland / 30 January 2020
  53. صور السينمائي الدولي للأفلام القصيرة Trio Association / 15- 17 February 2020 / Lebanon
  54. 9th El FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE DE PEHUAJÓ / Argentina / February 17 – 25, 2020
  55. Simply Indie Film Fest / 20 – 22 February 2020 / United States
  56. 3rd Kalaburagi International Short Film Festival / India/ February 29 – March 1, 2020
  57. مهرجان البحرين السينمائي / Bahrain / March 2020/ Postponed
  58. 3rd MUFEST – IV Festival de Cine feito por Mulleres / Spain / March 10 – 14, 2020/ Postponed
  59. Visions Cairo Egyptian Short Film Festival مهرجان رؤى للفيلم المصرى القصير / / Cairo -11-19 March 2020 / online- COVID-19
  60. 10th QWFF Queens World Film Festival / March 19 – 29, 2020/ United States/ online- COVID-19
  61. OutlantaCon Short Film Festival / March 19 – 22, 2020 / Georgia -United States/ Postponed
  62. 4th Through My Eyes / Los Angeles, United States/ March 20 – 22, 2020/ Postponed
  63. Erato International film festival for human rights / Libya – Trebles / March 2020/ Postponed
  64. 11th Trenton Film Festival / March 26 – 29, 2020 / Michigan – United States/ Postponed
  65. 3rd First City Film Festival / 26-29 March 2020 / Kansas – United States/ Postponed
  66. 15thThe Poppy Jasper International Film Festival / April 1 – 8, 2020/ United States Postponed
  67. African Women Arts & Film Festival (AWAFFEST) / April 2 – 4, 2020 / Tanzania/
  68. 2nd Break Through: The Tulane Public Health & Social Justice Film Festival/ United States / April 3 – 5, 2020/ Postponed
  69. 11th Festival International de Cinema Pathologic / Roma, Italy / April 23 – 26, 2020/ online- COVID-19
  70. مهرجان الأورومتوسطي للأفلام القصيرة – Festival-euro Med Monitor / Lebanon / 22 June 2020
  71. Ancient Way Film Festival / USA / April 26 – June 28
  72. Diorama International Film Festival / New Delhi – India / May 2020
  73. 1st GENERI camente UMANI / Italy / May 15, 2020
  74. 9th The Garifuna International Indigenous Film Festival (GIIFF) / California / United States/ 21-24 May 2020
  75. 2nd Apulian Web Festival – Puglia, south Italy / 29 to 31 May 2020/ online- COVID-19
  76. 23rd Flying Broom International Women Film Festival / Ankara, Turkey / May 7 – 14, 2020 /online- COVID-19
  77. Yala International Independent Film Festival / June 12 – 15, 2021/ Nepal
  78. 4th Sylhet Film Festival / Bangladesh/ June 17 – 19, 2020 / online- COVID-19
  79. 9th Tracce cinematografiche Film Fest / Roma, Italy / June 30 – July 5, 2020
  80. Not So Happy Film Festival / 3 July, 2020 / Sweden
  81. 5th unrestricted view film festival / London, United Kingdom / 13th – 19th July.
  82. Retro Avant Garde Film Festival / RAFF Cairo / Cairo/ 17th July 2020
  83. 13th International Film Festival under de the Moon of Islantilla/ Spain / 4 Jul-29 Aug 2020
  84. 6th The Herat International Women’s Film Festival (HIWFF) / Kabul / Afghanistan /August 26 – 30, 2020
  85. 9th Daroca & Prisión Film Fest / September 1-30, 2020 / Spain
  86. The King Review Festival/ September 14 – 16, 2020 / India
  87. 48th Festival of Nations / 24 – 29 September 2020 / Austria
  88. 32nd Girona Film Festival / Spain / September 23 – October 3, 2020
  89. 4th The Northeast Pennsylvania Film Festival / United States / October 2 – 4, 2020
  90. 2nd Jharkhand International Film Festival &Awards(JIFFA) / October 11 – 20, 2020 / India/online-Covid 19
  91. 12th International Unseen Film Festival “Film Sozialak” Bilbao / October 15-22 / Spain
  92. 17th Festival de Cine de Alicante (Página Official) / 17 -24 Oct 2020 / Spain
  93. 1st Africa Film for Impact Festival (AFFIF)/ November 3 – 7, 2020/ Nigeria
  94. HE Care Film Festival – The Human Environment Care Film Festival (HECFF) / November 5 – 8, 2020/ Canada
  95. AL BAHR SHORT FILM FESTIVAL المھرجان الدولي للأفلام القصیرة حول العالم العربي – البحر / Spain/ November 20-2020
  96. 5th Active Nonviolence International Film Festival(FICNOVA)/20 Oct-31 Dec 2020 / Spain
  97. 2nd Paleochora Lost World Short Film Festival/ Greece / 5 June 2121
  98. 23rd Marano Ragazzi Spot Festival / December 1 – 5, 2020 / Italy
  99. 11th Walthamstow International Film Festival /London – United Kingdom
  100. Media Arts Film Awards /Uganda / November 2020 /Postponed for COVID-19
  101. 29th Pan African Youths Film & Arts Festival / June 5th, 2021/ USA/ BEST CHILD PERFORMANCE nomination
  102. 5th Art is Alive Film Festival – New York- United States- 19 AUG 2021 / Best actress nomination
  103. Noble International Film Festival and Awards / September 1 – 30, 2021 / India
  104. 1st Kunstfest Weimar / September 2, 2021 / Germany
  105. 8th Mykonos Biennale / Greece / 1-5 October 2021 

Officially selected in festivals in these countries:

  1. Brazil
  2. Argentina
  3. Uruguay
  4. Chile
  5. Colombia
  6. Spain
  7. France
  8. Tunis
  9. Senegal
  10. Egypt
  11. United State
  12. Australia
  13. Canada
  14. Germany
  15. Italy
  16. Kenya
  17. United Kingdom
  18. Libya
  19. India
  20. Philistine
  21. Equatorial Guinea
  22. Turkey
  23. Lebanon
  24. Tanzania
  25. Poland
  26. Bahrain
  27. Greece
  28. Nepal
  29. Austria
  30. Sweden
  31. Bangladesh
  32. Afghanistan
  33. Nigeria
  34. Uganda



  1. 3rd Directors Cut Int’l Film Festival / Canada / Best short international film
  2. 6th Cine Tornado Festival / Brazil
  3. 2nd The Cutting Room International Short Film Festival NYC/ United States
  4. original score award – Mourad Kawala
  5. Short Short Drama international award
  7. Best Music – awarded as being among the top 11 films at international category of HAK-İŞ 8th International Short Film Contest themed “Respect for Labour – Best Music
  8. 3rd best International film / people choice / Short Sweet Illawarra / Australia
  9. Best actress for the child Menna Hossam / 11th Festival International de Cinema Pathologic / Roma, Italy
  10. One of six awards 19th International Amateur Film Festival – Poland/ (We handed Grand Prix, three main prizes and 6 awards). The award for “Coffin Decollate”: “for showing the problem of imposed maturity in another tradition” (Jury)
  11. Women Empowerment Award / 2nd APULIA WEB FEST 2020 / Italy
  12. 2nd Jharkhand International Film Festival &Awards(JIFFA)- Jharkhand- India
  13. 2nd Diorama International Film Festival- December-2020- New Delhi – India



Special Nominations:

  1. 4th Grade Goya Rural Film Festival – Spain
  2. Semi Finalist best female director category /3rd Kalaburagi International Short Film Festival  – India
  3. Semi Finalist / Best custom / 5th Unrestricted view film festival / London, United Kingdom / Best custom
  4. 29th Pan African Youths Film & Arts Festival / United States/ BEST CHILD PERFORMANCE nomination
  5. 5th Art is Alive Film Festival NYC – United States- 19 AUG 2021 / Best actress nomination/ Menna Hossam



تعزيز الحوار والتعاون: رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية بمصر يستقبل وفد الكنيسة الإنجيلية في ألمانيا

تعزيز الحوار والتعاون: رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية بمصر يستقبل وفد الكنيسة الإنجيلية في ألمانيا استقبل الدكتور القس أندريه زكي، رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية بمصر ورئيس الهيئة القبطية الإنجيلية

فعاليات منتدى حوار الثقافات

رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية يشهد توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين الهيئة القبطية الإنجيلية وجامعة محمد بن زايد لتعزيز ثقافة التعايش

رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية يشهد توقيع مذكرة تفاهم بين الهيئة القبطية الإنجيلية وجامعة محمد بن زايد نظّمت جامعة محمد بن زايد للعلوم الإنسانية مؤتمرًا علميًّا تحت عنوان


تعزيز جسور التسامح.. رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية يلتقي وزير التسامح الإماراتي في أبو ظبي

رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية بمصر يلتقي وزير التسامح الإماراتي التقى الدكتور القس أندريه زكي، رئيس الطائفة الإنجيلية بمصر ورئيس الهيئة القبطية الإنجيلية للخدمات الاجتماعية، اليوم، بسمو الشيخ